God is our Portion in the midst of the storm.

As I made up my mind to document my thoughts on the fact that God is everything we need in the midst of the Corona Virus pandemic, I put on my YouTube and many of the songs that came up strengthened my resolve to write the articles, as they made me even more convinced that God is indeed our Everything. 

Some of the songs also confirmed some of the things that were already on my mind – some of them actually came up immediately after I thought about the things even. It was so weird!

One of the songs was called “Made me Glad”, where the writer talks about how they will not be afraid or moved, but would bless the Lord at all times because He is their Shield, Strength, Portion, Deliverer….


I had been inspired to write about 30 things God is to us at this difficult time, and decided that one of the things I would write about is God, Our Portion, even though I had no clue what I was going to write even as I wrote this.

I had to look up the word Portion, and the Cambridge dictionary defines it as a “part or share of something larger”.

We will get the portion we deserve

My adoptive mum went shopping several weeks ago, and brought some things over for me.

Whilst sharing with me about how people were panic buying, she told me about how in one of the shops she visited, an elderly man was trying to reach across her to grab a box of eggs before she did. However, she told him not to worry as they could each have two of the four boxes of eggs on the shelf. She said the man was very grateful for her kindness.

The story made me think of the fact that we all have a portion in God. And because God is fair and just, He will ensure that we get all that we deserve.

Instead of shame, you will get a double portion; instead of humiliation, they will rejoice over the land they receive. Yes, they will possess a double portion in their land and experience lasting joy. Isaiah 61:7 NET

I say to myself, “The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.” Lamentations 3:24 NIV

He who is the Portion of Jacob is not like these, for he is the Maker of all things, including the people of his inheritance– the LORD Almighty is his name. Jeremiah 51:19 NIV

In the midst of the current global crisis, I pray that we will all receive our portion of what God has for us – love, joy, peace, comfort, safety, provision, blessings, restoration, etc. 

A Walk on Water Moment with Stella Onogoro

PS: To find out about other attributes of “God in the midst of the storm”, or to see my other posts, please follow this link.

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