I pray that we will always find the courage to calmly trust in our Dependable God who is able to help us maximise our potentials.

This post was inspired by watching my 2 year old neighbour yesterday.

Her father had bought her an age appropriate indoor slide and set it up whilst I visited with them.

Mimi’s new slide

Afraid yet Courageous

After the slide was set up, her 7 year old sister was really excited to show this 2 year old how to enjoy their newly acquired play thing.

Even though she was clearly filled with a lot of excitement, I could see that she was really terrified at first. Her older sister was a bit too eager to get her down the slide and even tried to force her to try. However, I told her to let her be and allow her do it when she was “ready”.

Within a few minutes, my 2 year old neighbour became more comfortable and started sliding down the slide. 

Less than 30 minutes later, she was not even interested in going up the stairs of the slide to get in position to slide down. She became so courageous that she found it boring going up the stairs and actually preferred to climb up the actual slide to get in position.

Her initial fear and doubt in her abilities despite the fact that she is actually a very adventurous little creature, who could deploy her potential in an instant, reminded me of how we go through life sometimes. 

Trusting in Our Abilities

The Bible is so full of phrases like “Be of Good courage”, “Do not fear” and “Be courageous”. I believe there’s a reason for that. 

Is it not true that sometimes when we “take a minute” to “reflect on” or “rethink” what we plan to do, we actually freeze and never actually get round to doing them?

Could it be that many times we are capable of so much more than we dare to think or try? 

Could it be that sometimes we have a lot of potential locked up on or inside but we are just too afraid to make the move to unlock them?

Today I would like to challenge you to step out and walk towards those dreams and goals in your heart. Bishop David Oyedepo used to say something along the lines: “If it’s in your heart to do it, God will place it in your hands.”

Photo by VisionPic .net from Pexels

Afraid yet Calm?!

The story about my courageous 2 year old neighbor and her new slide has not ended. It gets better.

In less than an hour, she became such a pro at “all things slides”, that she was able to competently navigate a potential disaster.

I had warned her 7 year old sister to stop sitting on top of the slide facing the wrong direction as I did not want her little sister copying her. However, my darling 2 year old neighbour did manage to get herself in the exact situation I dreaded regardless.

Seeing as our “little trooper” was now very proficient with the slide and was more keen on taking the “fast lane”, at some point she climbed up the slide as usual to get into position to slide down. Unfortunately something went wrong this time and she was unable to get into position and swing her self round so she could slide down the slide the proper way. It turned out as she climbed up the slide this time, she got stuck between the slide and the seat at the top of the slide and was unable to get into the proper position. She was definitely going to fall backwards and neck first down the slide….

Guess what this courageous little trooper did???!!!

She acknowledged the fact that she was in a very awkward situation, realised that she was very likely going to fall as she may not make it, and decided to turn “it” over to Jesus. She muttered the words “O my God!” Usually she would say “oh oh” when she was in a bind or surprised. But this time she said “O my God!”. A few seconds later, she said “Jesus!” then calmly held on and tried her best not to fall. Thankfully I was close by and managed to help her off the slide just in the nick of time. Phew!!! Disaster Averted!

I was so proud, encouraged and inspired watching this courageous little girl that I decided to write about it to encourage someone.

Mimi – Expert on Slides

Trusting in God’s Abilities

I think we all need to take a cue from this courageous little girl.

Firstly, whenever we get into trouble or distress, there is no point lying to ourselves or others, or being in denial, or being too “Christian” to admit we are in difficulty. We need to acknowledge the situation we are in and have the humility to calmly call upon the God (and/or humans where applicable) who can help us get through the distress we are experiencing. 

But you know what? Even when we know that there are humans who can help us, it is always best to call upon God because He is always on time and He never fails.

…For God has said, “I will never fail you.
    I will never abandon you.”

So we can say with confidence,

“The Lord is my helper,
    so I will have no fear… Hebrews 13: 5-6

Young as she is, this 2 year old had the sense to call upon God before she could think of anyone else. She knew she needed a “quick” miracle as well as someone who was competent enough to fix her situation quickly. She could have called on her mum or dad or me or any of her other family members.

However, she knew that the best person for the job was God. As was evident when she muttered the words “O my God!” which I have never heard her say before, she not only realised that God was the person with the best resume for the job, she knew that He would not fail her and so went ahead and literally called “Jesus” her Savior for good measure. Alleluia!

And Jesus did come through for her because He moved me to get on my feet to help her out of her difficulty.

God never fails. He is always on time and He is always willing and able to deliver us out of any distressing situation.

Trusting God in Our Distress

This past week, I had a lot of distress – physical, emotional, mental, psychological, physiological,… and had to be taken to hospital by the Emergency service at some point.

Like my darling little neighbour, I knew about God and His ability to deliver me out of my distresses. However, I would be lying if I told you I was always calm whilst trusting God through my moments of distress. As a matter of fact I did go through moments of extreme panic and turmoil.

Even though she was probably very scared in her moment of difficulty, my lovely 2 year old neighbour never panicked. I did not hear panic in her voice nor did I see it in her actions. She simply called upon the God who she knew could deliver her out of her “entanglement”. Then she calmly held on as much and as long as she could until she received the help she needed.

Watching this very courageous little girl was a very teachable moment for me. It was a moment of instruction and correction. Therefore, I thought to share it with someone today so we can all borrow a leaf from her.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5

Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” Psalms 46:10

And those who know your name put their trust in you, for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you. Psalms 9:10

Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act.  Pslams 37:5

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Isiah 26:3

Trust, I say, in the Lord.

If this post inspired or encouraged you, please be sure to share it with your family and friends. You can also leave a comment to share your thoughts and read my other posts for more inspiration.