When you Walk on Water, you are inspired to create Music that Heals.

There is power in music…

Personally, I feel like music is one of the greatest gifts God gave to humanity. I am sure most of you would agree that good music has the tendency to move, inspire and encourage people better than the most inspiring words can. If you gave a powerful speech, it may charge, energise, encourage, inspire and challenge people greatly. However, if you were to sing the same powerful words in a song, I believe it would drive home the message harder and leave a more lasting impression on your audience as they are more likely to remember the experience and consequently the message.

There is healing power in music. The Bible says, “A happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.” Proverbs 17:22 AMPC.

Music has the power to heal

The Bible also records that at some point, evil spirits came to torment and trouble Saul. However, whenever he invited David, who was a very skilled musician, to play for him, “then relief would come to Saul; he would feel better and the evil spirit would leave him” – 1 Samuel 16:23 NIV. King David who wrote most of the book of Psalms, is a great example of someone who made uplifting music. Actually, the words in the Psalms are excellent lyrics for any song.

I have heard some amazing testimonies of how music has helped change situations around, healed the sick and even raised the dead. Personally, there have been times when I went through some very difficult times and music helped me get through them. Music does have the power to ease or heal wounds – both physical, emotional, spiritual and mental wounds.

Musical Inspiration

Over the years, I have been greatly inspired and encouraged by the music of some great artists who have helped me reconnect with God and his ability to heal, change, deliver and set free. Few years ago, on You Tube, I stumbled on the music of some great South African singers. Some of the songs were not sung in English, and I had no clue what they meant, but somehow my spirit connects to them, (“deep calling to deep”). And because of the anointing – power of God to heal – of God on their music, I found myself being lifted and encouraged, sometimes even to the point of crying when I had no clue what they were singing about. That is the power of music!

Thankfully, we now live in a digital age where some people share their inspiring music on different media so others can benefit from them.


Make your own music

However, you can make your own music to God too. “Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth” Psalms 96:1

It is such a great feeling and all you need to do really is choose a few words (any words or length) based on what you are deeply feeling and turn it into a song. It will help you convey your feelings to God better and make you feel better about that situation, and the power of God to fix it. Do not worry about how you sound, what really counts is that God would love it regardless because “He delights in the praises of his people”.

You help you get in the “thankful” mood, please check out my post 10000 Reasons.

Download this Music Album

At New Wine Church, we have been through some very difficult times. However, we are privileged to have some anointed music ministers. They help us get through trying times and remind us of God’s power to heal and make things right – through music.

The New Wine Music Ministry actually launched their debut album a couple of years ago. If you have not already, be sure to download it and share with your friends and family. And as you do, I would like you to remember that there is healing power in music.